Thursday, June 17, 2010

rise and shine

hello beautiful people
 its been almost a week kan x update.rindu gila kat template bapuk ni.bapuk2 pun amat meninggalkan weekdays mmg sgt gila.mau x bz,kerja 12jam per day.dah nak sama working time dgn pak guard dah.kire mmg tough gila la being a security guard.mmg patut la kan dorang dpt increment.

anyway,anyhow,i'm gonna upload the last weekend punye outings.maybe x sume la.yg mana sempat or rajin jela.i went to OU (again) with my mom and lil sis yg x berapa nk kecik tu.she insisted sgt ajak pergi.nak cari baju katanye..(ade ke saiz?) end up,my mom and sis dpt la sorg sehelai baju je,heh.(x guna punye adik,br ingat nk save budget tanak beli pape,cis cis cis)

actually,our first stop mestilah mengunjungi tempat makan.PIZZA MILANO again! yeah..tercapai gak hasrat (sarah,jgn jeles)

my mom's.seafood spaghetti.

my chicken lasagna.yummeh! (mmg diorg served dlm keadaan terbalik mcm ni)

seafood pizza for ni dah tapau bwk balik.perut kecik ah,x muat nak masuk lg.

so,that was it.on sunday went out with the girls to KL art festival (something like that lah).we participated in the quote contest.haha,never thought i would do that.

i dont know what to say.its so damn gorgeous.theres a story behind that.

see what i mean?no?

look at the macaroons!

nice,isnt it?

rase lapar la tgk barbeque die..

ha,yang ni serabut skit dlm pic je kot.

yang ni kurang dihalusi.

the sunflowers are cute :)

ha,yang ni mmg paling old skool.jamban kat kampung2 tu..siap ade tissue paper lagi diorg buat detail gila.

well,like i mentioned earlier,we participated in the quote's competition by book khaki.and they published already all of our quotes.haha.funny la, buruk gila.

lish's.haha.u rawks!


emm..err..mestila raksasa's kan.

err..hi abg afzan! best la wawak punye quote.kite sukee..hik hik (cant help it)


and last but not least,this is mine.dan quote ini ditujukan kepada ecah.haha.

ade byk lagi takanla nk upload sume kan?so,any comments on our quotes?hehe.


1 comment:

  1. ape nih!!!letak la gmb ite sblh gmbr abg zeus iterr!!!
