Tuesday, June 1, 2010

great weekend

hello all!

yeah.agreed with the title.tired with joy.best kan mcm tu.am gonna upload some pictures and let the pics do the talking ya.its fun dat way,rite.no?
like i mentioned before,my mom's not around and went away with my other sisters.so,yg tinggal kt umah just me,my dad and bro.and like i mentioned before also,i had to work during wesak which was on last friday.
so when i reached home after work last friday, i cooked for them (yg kene tinggal kt kl :( ) seriously,i pemalas gile nk msk.biasela,my mom kan full housewife,and she loves cooking.so,there is no way am gonna kacau her at the kitchen and i want to let her enjoy her time with cooking (alasan je kan,hehe)
so,memikirkan my dad gonna balik from work and of course la tired,so try la masak yg the simplest one la..
jgn gelak,ok.senyum bole.here they are, the menu for my friday

ikan rangup2 kecik2 with bawang besar and cili kering
(nampak x lawa kan?tp rangup sedap gile ikan tu,ok)

sayur sawi tumis with anchovies and udang masin kecik2

telur dadar with onion hancur2.sedap weh.

actually another two dishes terlupe lak nk snap.sambal ayam and ulam ulaman.(terlupa ke or dh tertelan.heh)
so,dat was basically wht happen on last friday.after cooked the dinner,tgk tv and mandi pukul 10pm.lambat kan?heheh.pastu,my neighbour ketuk pintu bg salam.ingatkan nk dtg meminang,rupenye nk bagi kueytiaw goreng.of course la i took the food without byk songeh kan.so,letak atas meja,since i'm full already.kemas rumah,do all the house grooming.done! wah..penat jugak task2 yg sering dilakukan by my mom at home kan.mr H called like usual.every night before tido,kene jiwang2 sket la.layankan aje..end up tido at 230am.


on saturday,went out with sarah.to OU,bandar utama.dia nk cari heels for the singing competition on sunday.
ati called at the same time,ajak teman die shopping baju.tp x jd,coz she's not going to somewhere near OU,maybe to other places.so,i have to choose nk teman beli kasut or baju.so,here i ended up with..

ms sarah with her heels

ni kitorang masuk tgk2 kejap je,pastu trus blah.why?sebab salesgirl die ikut kitorg mcm nk kiss my ass la.i hate dat,really.x selesa la ikut rapat2 gitu.its not like we gonna steal it,come on la.i know maybe bos die suh ikut customer for the sake of good service kan.tp takanla smpai nk kene cium muntot kan.jgn la rapat sgt wey.gimme a break!


sambil jalan2 browsing around cari tempat nk mkn,something captured our eyes.ini candy shop.ape name tah.they showed us how to make candies.yg paling best tuh yg kt blkg tu u all perasan x? it sure looks better in real life,OMG best tau x.the candy maker tgh push and pull the candy-to-be (really have no idea whats dat thing been called).

ha,ni lagi 1.menarik kan.and the person whom did it must be very the rajin lah!
i love looking  at it.lagipun tringat time study dulu,kene buat model making.so,ala2 nostalgic a bit lah.

yes! here comes the best part of the day..time for lunch.penat gile cr tempat nk mkn.tau2 jela,OU ni besar.old wing la.new wing la.last2 we stopped by at PIZZA MILANO.our first time here.try tgk best ke x.
she looks happy,kan?mestila kan..nk mkn punye psl.we ordered ourselves an ice lemon tea.
..and seafood spaghetti for sarah

my all time favourite fettucini carbonara with cheese and onion cream.yummeh2

our dessert for the day, waffles with choc ice cream and peaches.

from different view (yeah i love foods,so what?)

hehe,tgh kontrol perut.stlh penat mengunyah.

then,we decided to walk around a bit,then terus balik.penat wey.sampai luka kaki.

menyempat lagi kan? i grabbed auntie anne's strawberry blended on our way back to the parking lot.
then,we drove home.lish been calling to meet up at 830pm.

here we are again.lish dtg fetch kitorang kt umah (memandangkan sarah sleepover at my place).then again,we went to cineleisure to have dinner there at station kopitiam next to tenpanyaki.gosh,siang td dah la went to OU kan.hehe.like twice for a day went to the same place. 

lish's dinner

sarah's dinner

mine.heaven oh heaven  : )

babes,korang mmg nmpak leisure di cineleisure.hehe

after dinner,we went to oldtown yap kwan seng to meet up with amid and his friends, shazwan and arif.mmg betul 3 on 3 kan.haha.but i didnt managed to snap our pics there la.malas dah.but am telling u,sarah got a crushed la dgn one of the dudes.sape ye?rahsia.heh.then,stlh bbrp jam berhimpun (sedap skit kan drpd melepak),kamipun decided to get a massage at BB.kami berenam pun pegila ke BB.to the piccolo hotel next to lama punye planet hollywood.pegi2 dh tutup.cett..tgk2 jam,patutla dh kul 230am.so,the guys ajak g travel somewhere.but,kitorg dh ngantuk gile.lgpun esoknye si sarah ade singing competition.dgn kepayahan utk membuat keputusan,kamipun said goodbyes to the guys la.muke dorang nmpak agak frust (perasan),tp terpaksa akur.then,we sleepily went home.and i checked my hp : 45 missed calls and 20sms.none other than from him alone.sad,sad,so sorry baby.nanti i blanjer u lollipop,ok.


good morning! woke up at 730am.borak2 atas katil,mandi,siap2,make out2 eh silap make up2 then off to wangsawalk mall at 1030am.sarah kene register kul 11.lish went home for a while to change her clothes because she accidentally crashed at my place last nite.so,just the two of us had our breakfast at Sweet Bowl,wangsawalk mall.ati wanted to join us earlier,but x jadi (again).agaknye die dh jd PM kot.

our breakfast.roti je?mcm x caye je kan.

close up.peanut butter and chocolate topping.nice..

my strawberry smoothies with milk cream..manis sgt lah,gula die overdose.so,unbelievably x abes la kan.anti gile dgn drinks yg too sweet yg x sepatutnye.smoothies is my all time favourite.u basically ruined it.

ok,kemudian pertandingan nyanyian pun bermula.sarah was so damn nervous.sambil2 tggu tu,barula lish dtg.went for lunch at NZ curry house.had nasi kandar.then,amid and ikhwan came along.the guys ajak tgk prince of persia.erm..mulalah terbayang2 wajah adorable and the naughtiness's face of the hero,Jake G.ape lagi,terus on jelah.then lepak2,tgk movie..its nearly 730pm already.went home terus.plus,mr.H dh nk sampai kl.mlm kang ade appointment dgn dia.

so,dats all folks.my tiring yet fun weekend.for me la.because of the foods obviously.its easy to make me a happy camper.

p/s: pada pendapat kami,prince of persia mmg best gila.

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