Tuesday, June 29, 2010

road curb is my enemy!

stupid dumb dumb punya road curb!
i hate you!
damn you road curb!
you must be happy now,right?
i won't forgive for what you did to me.
you carelessly broke my TYRA.
next time i see you,i will be driving a lorry and spank ur a**

Monday, June 28, 2010

i decide

morning yo!

how are you guys doing?i am doing so fine.but,maybe not so fine,just a little cough i got here and there.maybe i was too active or being super hyper during my last weekend.heh.active la sgt kan.active berjalan sana sini adela.yeah,we did karaokeing last friday.it was fun.nyanyi sampai x larat.2 hours for only 2 persons.mestila semput.sampaikan abe2 kt luar tu lalu2 bayk kali pastu skodeng2 kt dlm.mesti tertanye2 dlm bilik ni ade 15org ke.sedangkan 2 org je.sbb bunyi mcm ramai.byk jenis suare ade.
mmg x tahan bila sarah beriya suh nyanyi lagu saleem. (oopss,my bad).

tgh melalak2 tu,mr.H call.ckp die dh balik keja.biase lah,gomeng.kul 5 dah balik.huh.x dengar x dengar sket,biaselah,bising.alang2 terkantoi,tpakselah terus terang tgh kalaoki.alamak!cane ni.masa ade byk lg.lg sejam.takan nk stopkan.pastu ckpla kt die,lambat sketla dating.nk buat konsert jap.die nk pengsan.die ingat kt opis.rupenye tgh melalak.(heh,lupo den nk gtau die den halfday time tuh.sowi la bang,den lupo.sexcited sgt nk cuti and nyanyi2).

pastu lish msg.sian ko beb.xpe,nanti ade mase ko ajakla bapa angkat ko tu kalaoki ye.
jumaat mlm tu went out dgn mr.H.tp yg menjadi misteri sampai skg ialah,we both can't remember where we went,what we did and makan ape.misteri sgt.coz siang tu i could easily remember what i did with sarah.and i could even remember ape xtvt hari sabtu and ahad.except for the jumaat mlm.weird huh.when i asked him,dia pun hampeh.x ingat.tp slalunye die leh ingat.sbb memory card die is too wayyy better than mine.mine,is err..rosak sket la.

sabtu tu patutnye nk g urbanscape dgn sarah.tapi ade hal lak.xpela sarah,next year punye kite g eh.
went to times sq.dah lame x gi.best gak la.byk gile brg2 leh beli.and not so expensive.mr.H x abes2 nk naik roller coaster.i said to him "eh,xyahla.panjang tu queue." (sedangkan gerun gila tgk menda tuh beroperasi.gayat la wey.)tgk2 queue tu x panjang pun.pastu tpakse la buat2 sakit perut piyed pain.hehe.and it works.mmg drama kan.so we walked around the mall almost 4hours non stop.xdela shopping ade sgt.coz rambang mata satu hal la.i just got myself these things.well,its what mr.H bought me ,to be exact.

nak jugak elaborate ni.x kire.head & shoulder shampoo,kotex,rexona and sanex (yeah,i normally wear rexona during the night outings,and sanex during the day at work,a toothbrush,a vampire novel,and ralph lauren perfume.wangi gila!) eh serious terlupa nak masukkan sunglasses.xpe lish,i will wear it in front of you,live lagi,ok.

lepas jalan kaki lenguh gila,we went for a  movie.in the meantime,sambil tunggu2 waktu tayangan,gi amusement park dulu.main game.sempat la lg buat body massage.eh bukan kitorang urut body sesama sendiri eh,pakai kerusi panjang tu jer.tp sedap ah.mmg lentok sampai x mampu nak bangun.sib baek ade pembantu peribadi yg boleh menganggung berat badanku as to make sure that i don't just lie there until the end of the day.

ahad,siang tu went out with mom and sister.
mlm tu repeat lg dgn mr.H.fyi,he will be gone x lama lg.so,spend masa kerap2 sket la kan.teman die cari jam.
okla,itu sahajalah alkisah hari2ku di hujung minggu.nothing unusual,the same things je la.but,i have fun.(i type 'have', which means i am still having the fun.until now)i like it.i love it.
so,people! how was yours?

p/s: sarah,payung tera is in my car.do you want me to send to him? (takut x)
and the things that bothered me have been decided already.i will tell you myself.sooner.


Friday, June 25, 2010

jump with joy

hey you in the leopard skin tights!

hokeh.let's get things straight.i'm halfday today.yeayyy.
got an appointment with en.fawzy.but that is not the best part.the best part is,we gonna karaokeing.
yeah bebeh.you read me right.x sabar nak perform depan sarah mclachlan(tah betul ke idak spelling tuh,xpelah,i'm a gurl with the typo after all) *big grin* again.

and the night will be seing mr.H at TEXAS.eh silap,itu mr.H lain.(hamik ko,lish)
so weekend belum bermula,but i manage to make it a weekend already.heh.beriya kan.mestilah kan.it is my page.so,suka hati la kan.ok la beb.its almost 1pm nampaknye.can't wait already.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


hey u in the hot thong!

anyways,sarah just called.
i don't know how to classify the news from her.
either it is a good news or a bad news.
it may be good.it may be not.
yeah.i am crazy now.but crazy / beautiful. ahah! cut the craps already.
let's get back to business, will you?
ok,i'm still thinking about it.bole x kalo kerja kat dua tempat at one time?
like.. teaching,and then designing and then go to the other office and do the other things.
pastu,kerja 3hari utk opis ni.then opis lg satu kerja 2 hari.heh.bestnya kalo bole mcm tu kan.
kayo la den.erk! almaklumlah,lish kan dh migrated kt tampin.so,kene get used to it lah.
terbayang2 wajah dr.frank dan en.fawzy..mane lagi ensem? mestilah mr.gan kan?haha.gilo.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

unbelievably true

i never see a person who would easily be happy, and then sad, full of hatred, and then suddenly just don’t care about it anymore, and totally forgot about anything else that matter to her before. only in the little of time. so quick. and the scariest part is; that person is totally ME.

wish I could just sleep on it. but it doesn’t work that way.

maybe it's the hormonal thing.i don't know.u tell me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

time is running out

i'm afraid of it.
we are out of time.
i'm not ready to let you go yet.
please give us more time.
i can never get enough spending time with you.
why do you have to go?
i hate it when the time is actually comes.
i thought that the time will just stood still.freeze.
everything happen so fast.
i try not to think about it.
but when the time comes,how can i, to not think about it?
i know it is for the best.
but to go through it?it is like a piece of shit.

sometimes,i prefer something not to show up in front of me at all,like,i prefer not to know about it at all.because when i started to like it,then it will be gone.away.far and away.it hurts.there is no way "better than never".for me,"never is better".

well,betul jugak cakap sesetengah orang;
                               "SHIT HAPPENS"

Monday, June 21, 2010

bunga bunga chenta

hi guys.

jiwang x tajuk entri kali ini? heh.sekali sekala menjiwang,ape salahnye kan.weekend mmg best.for me la.i went out with mr.H.and something's really fascinating captured my heart.tanpa melengahkan masa,snap la pic kan.

cantik kan bunga bunga chenta ni?yela pakai hp murah je snap,so kualiti gambar tu kurang memberangsangkan.

hmm.hmm.nampaknye mr.H lebih menjiwang.thanks for telling the whole world about it.heh (to those yg nk termuntah,tahan dulu.tu la,warning jiwang dh ditulis di tajuk entri.sape suh take the risk,kan?)

went out with others pulak.had fun,though.our dinner on sunday.

ice lemon tea,of course. by madam lim's

fried mee hoon by madam lim's

siam style fried rice by madam lim's

so,that's all folks.today is monday.x best langsung.so,xde mood sgt nk merepek2 lagi kt sini.well,not yet.(habis tu,yg kt atas tu ape ek?)
                        "LOVE IS ALL AROUND"

Friday, June 18, 2010

today's quote

hi all.
do u guys realize that after all these while,we do live by quotes? i mean,by everyday's quote,i presume.well,maybe i am actually the last person to know on this earth,but at least i do realize that,right?no? hmm.hmm.

i intend to persue my studies on quote's philosophy education.in birmingham.they have one there.
well,it is located in my dreamland.hehe
i'm happy today because it is friday.that is why there is a restaurant called TGI Friday.Thank God Its Friday.everybody loves friday.like,everybody loves raymond lah!everybody loves mawi pun bole jugak.except for me.i have the dislikes for him.not going to elaborate on that.enough said.

i'm gonna watch a-team tonight.best ke cite tu?entahnye si mr.H.beria sgt dia nk tgk.teman jela.sbb takanla die nk beria tgk SATC kan?soooo not macho la kan.lagi2 kalau die layan desperate housewife.mau pengsan ini maciam.sib baik die lyn cite ganas.after movie,boleh mengganas same2 (eh,LISH!jgn mencelah kat sini leh x?go to ur own page.behave,girl.
and for today :)


Thursday, June 17, 2010

rise and shine

hello beautiful people
 its been almost a week kan x update.rindu gila kat template bapuk ni.bapuk2 pun amat meninggalkan kesan.my weekdays mmg sgt full.bz gila.mau x bz,kerja 12jam per day.dah nak sama working time dgn pak guard dah.kire mmg tough gila la being a security guard.mmg patut la kan dorang dpt increment.

anyway,anyhow,i'm gonna upload the last weekend punye outings.maybe x sume la.yg mana sempat or rajin jela.i went to OU (again) with my mom and lil sis yg x berapa nk kecik tu.she insisted sgt ajak pergi.nak cari baju katanye..(ade ke saiz?) end up,my mom and sis dpt la sorg sehelai baju.me?err..3 baju je,heh.(x guna punye adik,br ingat nk save budget tanak beli pape,cis cis cis)

actually,our first stop mestilah mengunjungi tempat makan.PIZZA MILANO again! yeah..tercapai gak hasrat (sarah,jgn jeles)

my mom's.seafood spaghetti.

my chicken lasagna.yummeh! (mmg diorg served dlm keadaan terbalik mcm ni)

seafood pizza for us.tp ni dah tapau bwk balik.perut kecik ah,x muat nak masuk lg.

so,that was it.on sunday went out with the girls to KL art festival (something like that lah).we participated in the quote contest.haha,never thought i would do that.

i dont know what to say.its so damn gorgeous.theres a story behind that.

see what i mean?no?

look at the macaroons!

nice,isnt it?

rase lapar la tgk barbeque die..

ha,yang ni serabut skit la..tp dlm pic je kot.

yang ni kurang dihalusi.

the sunflowers are cute :)

ha,yang ni mmg paling old skool.jamban kat kampung2 tu..siap ade tissue paper lagi diorg buat detail gila.

well,like i mentioned earlier,we participated in the quote's competition by book khaki.and they published already all of our quotes.haha.funny la, buruk gila.

lish's.haha.u rawks!


emm..err..mestila raksasa's kan.

err..hi abg afzan! best la wawak punye quote.kite sukee..hik hik (cant help it)


and last but not least,this is mine.dan quote ini ditujukan kepada ecah.haha.

ade byk lagi contestants.tp takanla nk upload sume kan?so,any comments on our quotes?hehe.


Friday, June 11, 2010

template bapuk

hi all
memang bapuk kan?bibir di merata2.rase mcm takut nk masuk page ni tadi.tp x bole nak takut lama2 sebab this is my page jugak kan.ala takpe,si ecah tu suke je bibir2 ni.dulu kt kusess,die jugak yg menggilai abg bibir.senior kitorang yg berbibir angelina jolie.tula org ckp,jgn kutuk2 beria,last2 tersangkut.lol
oklah,pagi tadi i had my big breakfast at mcD.the menu is,of course la big breakfast kan.

dh byk kali betulkan rotation.mcm ni jugak.lantak pi hang la.

scrambled egg,hash brown,mini burger (xdela big breakfast sgt kan?apetah yg kononnye big breakfast.malu gak nk order td.padahal sikit je bendanye)

sisa-sisa makanan sarapan besarku yg x abes.berlagak sgt kan kt atas td.
then,after breakfast,terus ke ofis mr.gelabah (as promised,to submit benda alah yg menimbun)

comel kan?kat ofis dia la ni,sempat lagi snap dia punye model show unit.he's a developer,by the way.

i'm soooo in love with it.look at the furniture,detail gila,ok!

and the landscapes are so damn cute.

and this is for the commercial building.
 fyi,i'm obsessed with cute things yg kecik2 gitu.lish included lah.(mestila kan,no doubt)

dan sebagai penutup untuk entri hari ini,mempersembahkan my workloads for these freaking 2days.(ala,yg  bising2 hari tu pasal mr.gelabah nk cepat tu.mcm nak gila tau x)
ok,feel better now.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


what's up everybody?
phew..the work is done.earlier than expected.but,i don't want to submit to him straight away.torture him a bit,i'll give him all the things tomorrow.jahat ke?no lah.dia lagi jahat.

and i cried my heart out last night.different case.thanks to mr.H for always being there for me.and also being such a great counselor.physical and mental advisor.i can't think straight at the moment.i never thought that all of these things will put more pressures on me.it is like,i am not a happy girl anymore.sad case.

what i want?which is better?what if i chose the wrong turn?what if,what if,what if..
so,crying is the best thing to do for this moment.
terima kasih wahai air mata.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

world's biggest beef patty

sydney's 90kg beef patty.whoa!

let's get busy

hey yo

this week sgt busy.got two submissions need to be done by this week.pergi sana sini.call sana sini.makan sana sini.mengurat sana sini.macam2 lagi lah.there are some decisions i have to make too.a big one.

and the boyfriend keep on asking when can we see each other.soon,baby.soon.ok.i miss u too,by the way.

the clients keep on calling (biaselah client kan suke bg kerja last minutes,pastu nk cepat je.suka push2 lak tu) and sometimes when i'm not in the right mood or being too damn busy,i won't answer their calls.not being rude.because i've been telling them the exact date when will i submit to them,so why so jumpy or gelabah2?don't you guys understand the simple english?and don't u guys understand the date format?and normally,i will keep to my promise.when i say it will be ready in June,it will be,ok.

please stop acting like u r my boss or something to update me from time to time.i will call u when i'm finish.thats my job,and my scope of works,please don't worry about it.plus,i have a lot of other things to do too.mane yg dtg awal,i will do that first.first things first la kan.kalau u nk cepat sgt,go and find somebody else.sayonara!

my last monday's phone conversation with my client;

si gelabah: so,how was it? tolong la,i nk urgent.
me: mr.gelabah,for ur info,i ade dua tangan je.u baru bagitau,then u nk cepat.u kene tggu la.
si gelabah:ok la.ok..please ar..if x proceed,nanti building cf pending.
me: (like i care?sape suruh u last minit buat kerja,pastu u nk susahkan i)ni dlm hati je la.heh
me:ok, i try la.tp this friday i can promise u.

and the day after?dia terus keep on calling.tension wey.

so,now i'm struggling doing it.for the sake of mr.gelabah.

harap maklum.

Monday, June 7, 2010

monday blues

hi all.
i don't know what to say.or to think.or to do.i don't know,really.and now i know that it is so damn hard to make decisions.whatever it is,here are my fabulous and memorable weekend.two days direct i slept at 5am and woke up at 10am.terlalu banyak aktiviti yg dibuat.bersama family,rakan2 dan mr H.and it was so damn packed.my schedule, i mean.

bersama rakan2 we went to lunch.

vanilla milkshake by studio cafe.sedap and creamy tak terhingga.

ice lemon tea by studio cafe.my all time favourite ordered drink.

the tortillas by studio cafe.kenyang wey.got 4 pieces there.

these smoking hot grilled chicken by studio cafe comes with the tortillas.berasap2.kene pakai shade.

so this is what happen to them.tortillas+grilled chic=i made the chicken fajitas myself.haha.i don't care.
ok2,the chicken fajitas by studio cafe.

grilled chicken with fries with barbeque sauce by studio cafe.
i'm not quite sure how it tastes.coz it was not mine.

chicken ham+cheese sandwich and fries by studio cafe.nampak lazat kan?

air batu campur as known as ABC.this is during our next stop at the mamak.

later that night,went out for movies at KLCC.yeah,movies.we did movies marathon that night.its been a while,dah lame x pergi sana.
had a blast with mr H there.but the movies,still cant figure out how to give reviews on that.

with his nasi ayam by rasa-rasa,KLCC.dia kate x sedap.i didn't bother to taste it coz terlampau kenyang siang td at studio cafe.

so,that was my weekend.how was yours?
we are eagerly and happily looking forward to see the karate kid.can't wait for this coming10th of june.

p/s: i miss lish, sarah and ikhwan (tibe2 je kan?)


Friday, June 4, 2010

makan time

hari ini ada makan2 di office.dah terbau2 dah asap hasil pembakaran ayam panggang ~chiao~



the above tells all.period.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

are you there yet?


last night we had a blast on the movie's seat while watching Letters to Juliet.cite tu ok la.very romantic.sweet.nice.and funny a bit.the hero is an eye candy.with snobbish british accent which makes me turned on *blush blush*
here are the scenes i managed to capture during watching the movie (sempat lagi kan?yela,kitorang dpt seat tgh2)

sophie with victor,her fiance

sophie with charlie,my eye candy : )

eh lupe pulak,before we hit the seat,we had dinner dulu.

the yummy lecka lecka.mmg leka kitorang mkn.

got myself a nockies.

her's.she said its tawar.

mine.x sedap.hanyir.maybe menu my friend is nasi tawar.and mine is kueytiaw hanyir.win-win.

after movie,terus balik.penat lah.masing2 pakai baju keja.melekit2.so,charlie was my last night's eye candy.and for today,this human being really captured my eyes;

i dun care what u want to say,because he's enrique.but,i cant deny that he looks so darn cute in here.
and he looks huggable too.rase nak peluk2 je.