Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Apa salah saya 56?

Baiklah. (ish memang rasa hebat sangat bila bermuka-mukadimah dengan perkataan baiklah)
Ingin saya kongsi di sini perasaan saya yang gundah gulana dan tidak menentu ini. (kejap kejap saya, kejap kejap aku, kejap kejap i. Haih! kejang dibuatnye)

Ok.tak perlu kot semua ayat nak kena ada yang dalam kurungan tu kan.

Saya mempunyai seorang emak yang tidak berpuas hati dengan cara saya berpakaian apabila berada di rumah. Adakah saya berkemban? Tidak. Adakah saya memakai pakaian ayah saya? Tidak. Adakah saya meminjam pakaian si Babu yang menjual roti pada waktu petang itu? Tidak. Adakah saya memakai baju emak saya? Mestila tidak kerana beliau lebih petite daripada saya (million thanks to daddy’s genetic).

Saya pun tak faham apa yang membuatkan beliau begitu anti dengan cara penampilan saya di rumah? Tatkala saya turun ke ruang tamu tetapi end up bertamu di dapur (mestila nak makan), ada ada saja yang dileterkan oleh beliau. Kadang kadang beliau tergelak tengok saya.

Pada malam yang tragis itu, cousin saya datang lepak di rumah saya (tiap tiap malam kot), saya pun turun ke bawah. Sambil gelak besar, dia tegur saya

Cousin: Wey ko biar benar. Koyak sana sini. Besar lak tu.tak cukup dengan t-shirt, suar  tidur pun koyak rabak. Semua nampak! wahahahaha
Saya: heh. selesa la baju ni. takpela masuk angin.
Cousin: wahahha. baju lain takde ke?
Saya: Ada. tapi dah tak banyak yang koyak.
(Sambil tu ade backup singer (emak) duk berleter macam biasa)

Saya pun terus naik ke bilik untuk tidur. Semasa menaiki tangga saya terdengar perbualan beliau dan adik saya,

Emak: takpe takpe.malam dia nikah nanti, mak nak kumpul semua baju koyak dia, nak buang.

Saya terpempan.

Apa salah saya 56 wey?

Friday, October 7, 2011


Baiklah. At first, aku relax relax  je. Si dia (si dia? Cerpen sangat!) dah tanye macam macam. itu dah siap?ini dah siap? Design baju dengan bridal dah confirm? Aku cakap don’t worry ok. Nanti I buat. (sedangkan?)

Lish pun pernah sound aku, beza giler time kak yong die nak kahwin tiap tiap hari gi ulang alik kedai barang barang kahwin. Die tengok aku lek lek je.

Last weekend, jalan jalan dengan sarah (walkathon)
Ade carnival pengantin kat mall tu.
Ade sorang jejaka ni bagi brochure wedding photographer. Sambil tu die panjang lebarla promote service die. itu ini begitu begini bagai.
Aku takdela nak amik port sangat sebab lambat lagi kot.

Jejaka itu: so,miss bile majlis?
Miss yang dimaksudkan itu: lambat lagi.
Jejaka itu: bilenye? (mula hilang sabar nak menerkam rakan miss iaitu si sarah)
Miss yang dimaksudkan: lagi 2-3 bulan.Lek lu.
Jejaka itu: What?! Kalau miss nak tau, kat sini orang yg booking sume mostly bulan 6 thn depan.hujung tahun depan pun dah booked.Tak lama je lagi tu Miss.
Miss yang dimaksudkan: Oh eh? (dah start gelabah sambil cuba mengenen ngenenkan nenen jejaka itu kepada sarah)

So,aku kena singkirkan sikap dan style aku yang terlampau free. Jangan freestyler lagi. Cuba untuk menjadi busystyler.(kampung nya! Tapi nak cakap jugak)

Sebagai permulaan, weekend ni nak kena pergi push the bridal supaya lebih pro-active. Lish nasihat, janganlah push die sampai jatuh.nanti cedera, camne nak jahit baju. Bongok kan?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Goodbye EU trip, hello KK trip

Fine. Sabah aje la yg mampu kheennn.

Memang plan awal nak join lish and da gang gi europe.tapi mengenangkan status diri tahun depan Insyaalaah tak mcm sekarang, agak susah untuk ikut serta. Maklumlah, byk hati nak kena jaga. Plus, Mr.H (waaa..dh lame kan x dgr citer i go bragging about him kan) dah belikan tix utk ke KK pd thn depan. Tarikhnye pun lebih kurang dgn plan EU trip bebudak nih. So,a bit tight la kan.(tak.tak.bukan maksud t-shirt hijau lish yg ketat time swim di pengkalan badak tuh.bukan ok.bukan)

Okeh,lets start bragging.

Mr.H: Dear, i dh beli tix utk KK Trip next year.
Me: Oh yeah? (nada afdlin shauki)
Mr.H: Yup.Nanti u check email k. i sent u itinerary.
Me: ok. Thanks bro.
Mr.H: (pengsan)
(mestilah aku dh tapis conversation di atas. nipun dh byk yg dicensored)

Aku pun log in email. Bace punye bace, selain nama aku, ade 4 lagi nama lain yg agak familiar.tapi di mana ye? Owh.darah daging sendiri rupenyer. I ring him back.

Mr.H: Yo,wassup my dear.
Me: Bro, wa silap nampak ke ni bro?
Mr.H: Wrong number.
Me: ahahahhaha.okla okla.i silap nampak ke ni? U nk buat surprise eh?
Mr.H: Hehe. U lick it? Eh I mean, u like it?
Me: Terkejut gak. Thanks ye bro.tp xtaula ayah I free ke x time tu.
Mr.H: lagi skali u ckp bro, I terbangkan u sorg je ke Uganda. (ugut, tak tahan)
Me: Ok2..sowi3.gurau garau sikit pun xley.
(Perbualan diakhiri dgn baik dan diselitkan dgn sedikit sebyk dirty talk serta bro bro)

So,thats him.full of surprises.

Lish: Masalahnye, ape yg surprise nyer tuh?

Me: oh ok.sowi3.too carried away. Ticket tu ade skali nama both my parents and his parents. Hehe. Sweet. tapi tula..takdela privacy sgt kan nanti?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

i envy you

wow.its been awhile huh.

first and foremost, would like to wish 'happy birthday Malaysia!' (tersangat ada mood nk wish sbb esok aku cuti.kalo tak,jgn haraplah)

mcm biase,byk sgt yg berlaku lately.very busy.time passing by,tapi aku still mcm ni.tak jugak kurus2.my best highschool friend dah kawen last weekend. dan mcm biase, i was absent.sorry babe,aku xde kt kl.(kan lish kan?) pernah jugak org ckp kt aku, "nanti wedding ko xde sape nk dtg.sbb ko pemalas gi wedding org" so terpaksela aku buat private wedding yg mcm kim & khloe kardashian buat tu. konon atas alasan terlalu femes sampai kene buat tertutup, sedangkan sbb xde org nk dtg.huhu. tapi aku bukan purposely tanak dtg,i have my own reasons yg tak dpt dielakkan.(kan lish kan?)
anyway,aku sbnrnye bukan jeleskan dorang kawen2 ni.aku sbnrnye nk ckp psl kaler rambut.aku jeles betul bile blogwalking kt page lish, intan, hanis zalikha etc..teringin sgt wey nak kaler rambut.tapi tak bole la pulak.bayangkanlah dah 28thn aku menahan keinginan tsb (since birth)..

i want it sooo badddd and its killing me inside (beria)
so,to intan yg baru mewarna rambut beliau, cun giler ok! ten thumbs up

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the romantics

 i've watched this movie once.early this year.
and i dun really gets what is inside her mind.whats her feeling? what is actually happens in the end.maybe the movie failed to impress. so, i got myself this.

hardcover lagi, ok.bookexcess @ amcorp mall mmg the best!

Monday, July 11, 2011

56 of me fits 65 of you.

I am having difficulties in expressing myself out loud to let the whole world knows about the troubles that I am having. So, my beloved ones have to bear with me. Because I’m good at doing all the whining. But, to them only. So, thank you and I love you.

Well, I have tried to set them free from the burdens; by creating this blog. In a way, I can easily express my thoughts and feelings in here. But, things are easily said than done. So, I can’t. Doesn’t mean that I’m not being friendly to you, it’s just that, my personals doesn’t seem to be very pretty and also not too ugly and that means ; it is a ‘so-so’ type of problems. Too common. If I keep on bragging about it in here, you will feel like I’m making it BIG. Because everyone has the same common problems like I did.

So, to my beloved companionS, be tough. I love you guys.

Thank GOD I’m having lish in my life (you guys have no idea how human she can be). Can I always have you? Even when you settled down, can 65 of you come and moving in with 56 of me?
It is not a request, by the way. It is an order. Law & Order.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away

Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself

By hurting you

Monday, May 30, 2011


like seriously. yeah. i'm torn into pieces.
torn between two important peoples in my life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

i was like, sorry?

ok.i'm not a good example when it comes to apologize. tp aku rase x perlu beria kot nk say sorry sbb x update blog, sbbnye aku rase xde sape pun nk bace sgt blog aku nih. aku bukanlah shiapa shiapa.hehe.
tp aku mmg kene mintak maap sbb janji nk update psl part II punya amukan.oleh kerana dh terlampau lambat sgt nk update, aku punya amukan dah amarah pun dh pudar..so impian nk menaip dalam keadaan marah dh xde.tp xpe.akak cube k.papepun, juz to let u know, i'm ok.fine and healthy.lately,got a lot of things coming in.and to do.quite a big thing, actually.will let u know later.oklah,gtg.c ya

Friday, April 29, 2011

daniel johns, miss you love

Millionaire say
Got a big shot deal
And thrown it all away but
But I'm not too sure
How I'm supposed to feel
Or what I'm supposed to say
But I'm not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle every day
And I miss you love

Make room for the pray
'Cause I'm coming in
With what I wanna say but
It's gonna hurt
And I love the pain
A breeding ground for hate but...

I'm not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people

Remember today
I've no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss you love

I love the way you love
But I hate the way
I'm supposed to love you back

It's just a fad
Part of the teen, teenage angst brigade and
I'm not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people

Remember today
I've no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss you love

Remember today
I've no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss you love

I love the way you love
But I hate the way
I'm supposed to love you back

i really miss u,DJ and also this song.best gila, ok.

p/s: akan datang,dun mess with mommah part II .kthanxbye

Friday, March 25, 2011

don't mess with mommah! (part 1)

alrighty. i know. i admit. i love to spill out those kind of threatening words. masihku ingat lagi dulu time kt hostel, kan baju selalu hilang2 kan kalau sidai kat depan dorm.so, baju aku pun apa kurangnya turut menjadi mangsa (walaupun saiz XXL tak paham kenapa dorang nak amik gak) lagipun kalau baju or track suit sukan mmg design sume sama. so sape2 pun boleh tersilap amik kan. so, most of my friends masing2 tulis la nama diorang.ada yang tulis nama dorm ape sume.tapi aku tulis:


sume baju aku tulis mcm tu.termasuk skali kain batik.tapi mmg bagus jugak letak amaran mcm tu sbb mmg since then,xde sape brani amik.maybe sbb tulisan tu besar sgt.so kalo dorg pakai sah2 lah nanti aku boleh nampak kan.ok nampaknye skg dah lari tajuk.jauh pulak tu.

ok.tujuan entri kali ini adalah untuk melepaskan geram on what had happened to me last 3 weeks.i went to get my hair done at Chinta hair saloon yg milik fasha sandar tu.memula aku dh ckp aku nak wat curly2.tp staff die yg agak malas2 tu ckp:

staff: eh x boleh la u.rambut u dh lurus.nanti kalo buat pun x jadi
aku: oh yeke? kwn i buat ok je.
staff: eh mane boleh.nanti jadi kasar2 pastu x kekal lama.
aku:ok la kalo mcm tu. (sedih la sbb nak merambut kim kardashian tp x dapat)

ok setel buat rebonding.esoknya tengok2 rambut aku jd jerami.what the hell?
esoknye aku call saloon tu.complaint.biase la bila staff die yg angkat, just ckp kene potong rambut yg jerami tu.gile ke ape? kalau nk potong, aku terus jadi harith iskandar la.botak.sbb hampir sume jd jerami.
aku harap die ckp boleh buat free treatment or half price treatment la kan.sbb yg aku byr utk rebonding aritu turned out jd jerami.mmgla aku patut mrh kan? patutnye aku mula2 pegi saloon tu aku ckp gini "tolong buatkan rambut jerami utk saya ye" then bayar.barulah patut kan.so aku xyah bising2 mcm skg kan.ok cool down.cool down. so,slps kecewa dgn servis melalui telefon, aku buat keputusan nak emel kt facebook fasha.sent terus direct kpd manager.sbb bila call saloon nak ckp dgn manager, sure2 la x dpt kan.so i sent this:

please read this.regarding chinta saloon. urgent..thanks

Between Fasha Sandha and You
March 18 at 1:47am
hi, how r u.first and foremost would like to wish congratulations on ur saloon's opening.i've been there twice.first, i did my hair there (rebonding). second time, i brought along my mom and my sis to go cut wash and blow.honestly, ur staff did a very good job on cut,wash and blow thing. i didnt mean to complaint or anything, but i feel quite sad and frustrated because my rebonded hair turned out to be 'jerami'.i'm not the kind of person yang datang saloon serang2 x puas hati ape sume.i'm ashamed to do that kind of 'kampung' thing.so, thats why i'm here.send message to u thru facebook.i really hope u can help me to repair back my hair.or to give me hair treatment with half price discount.i dunno.u tell me.because i spent rm140 for my hair and it ruined.i feel very sad and upset because 'rambut mahkota wanita' isn't it? i know it is the promotion price and u might think i'm not supposed to ask for half price discounted for hair treatment. but what happen when my hair turned into 'jerami'? i think i deserved to have free hair treatment as to pay back for the damages.i dun want to be rude or anything, because i still would love to come to ur saloon in the future.thats y i really hope u can be professional at handling this issue.
please get back to me soon. my hair is getting worst day by day and i'm very worried about it.

thanks and regards,

(do i wanna go to her saloon in the future? no way! )
so,gitulah bunyik surat tu.rase lega dh sent.tp aku x rase die bace.sbb die bimbo.bimbo dun like to read.

Friday, March 18, 2011

she said 'nothing compares to Remy Ishak. Not even Bront Palarae!'

hey hey hey. let me correct u, my dear

nothing compares to Bront Palarae. Not even Remy Ishak!

why? x puas hati? nak gaduh? tgk kepak la wey.

ok, let me list out the reasons i vote for Bront (bukan vote utk ABPBH ok, never do that in my entire life)
1) he's got fine and lanky figure
2) he's brilliant
3) he's smoking hot
4) he's got that 'sharped look' (hopefully yang lain2 pun sharp jugak la kan.heh)
5) he's very talented when it comes to acting. just look at his movies, the way he acted. so damn spontaneous and he's good at doing it. Looks like he wrote his own script. or the script never been written. he created it on the spot during the scene.
6) he's smoking hot
7) he's from the north. (i come to think that men from north are soo damn manly)
8) he's real name is cute.
9) he's got nice shaped jaw (hehe)
10) i just found out that he said "walaupun dah lama saya terlibat dalam industri ini, tp when it comes to photography session, saya mmg nervous gila"
(and that's totally cute and sweet!)
11) he's smoking hot
12) he's smoking hot

my advise to him?
tolong la jgn cuba2 nak posing dlm majalah mangga.sekiranya ia berlaku, then i have to switch my interest to justin bieber (GOSH?)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

i love nasrul suhaimin saifuddin

i know. i know.
selain mohammed zalimei ishak, i'm also in love with nasrul suhaimin saifuddin. in fact, i met him first. yela, die yg berlakon terlebih dahulu (time tu mohammed zalimei ishak tgh sibuk lelong ikan kt pasar selayang). pastu mmg minat gile la tgk aksi si nasrul suhaimin saifuddin nih. bersahaja. slumber je die berlakon. pastu dulu penah stumbled upon him kat seri murni ss2.punye la nervous.nak tegur, taknak? nak tegur taknak? sbb crush gile ni kan.memang comel dan perkasa la.with his lanky body, mmg turn on habis la..tu belum sentuh bab urat2 kt tgn die kan.time tu die dgn artis mane tah.lupe dah.sbb die mmg overshadowed everyone yg ade kt situ mlm tu. mmg la aku minat jugak tgk si mohammed zalimei ishak tu.tp si nasrul suhaimin saifuddin is the best view ever!!!.
lagi2 kalau both of them digabungkan.waaaaaa mmg non-stop splashed la kan?

wait a minute.ada sesuatu yang mengganggu.
ahh. thats better.

p/s: yeah. my bront palarae  i'm talking about!
                  if he's reading this, mesti die freaked out lalu suicide.

thanks to paradox


i have just read one of my other bitches's entry titled sometimes beautiful things happen.
and i have to admit i'm entertained. haha, first and foremost, because i watched them too.gosh, mmg menghiburkan sgt tgk desperate housewife. yela, selasa mlm rabu kan.weekdays mcm ni mmg la kite amat2 perlukan hiburan slps rase stressed out dgn kerja during the day.lagi2 awal minggu. time tgk cite tu aritu, mmg rase nak je kongsikan kelawakkan cite tu dgn somebody. tp taktau nk share dgn sape sbb time tgk tu kt bilik sorg2.family kt bwh sah2 lah layan astro.nak text lish, suh tgk scene yg best tu, mesti la by the time die nk berjalan ke arah tv, dh abes pun citer tu (sbb masa yg diambil oleh beliau utk mengorak langkah ibarat sehari). so terpakse la enjoy sorg2, gelak sorg2,pastu simpan dlm hati sorg2. paling x tahan yg time Bree jln mengangkang sbb she just had too many times sex with her toyboy in one night.hahah! sooo lishy.
desperate housewife is a must watch!

p/s: so intan, did u just cum that night? haha

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

lish alerts!

ok.ade tak di antara korg tertanya2 apakah attire senamrobik si makhluk yg bernama lish?


mari bersurai sekarang.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

let's get physical!

last nite.
tut tut..incoming message from lish.

"aku ade surprise utk ko esok.nantikan penampilan my aerobic's attire for tomorrow.i called it hip and urban chic style yet trendy"

so, should i be very very very afraid now?
or, just collapsed?
or, just pretend we never know each other?

gosh, i'm so nervous about tonite.

p/s: tajuk dance class mlm ni : BODY PUMP

Monday, March 14, 2011

reject shop

ok.nothing to do with reject shop. but rejection, yes.
i'm not a rejector (because i'm not good enough to reject others). and never been rejected before also (sbb mmg x pernah nk confess dekat my crush.kalo minat kt org tu, senyap je, simpan dlm hati dalam2, pastu terbodo2 sorg2)
tapi kan, mcm mane eh nak bgtau kt someone yg kite x berminat utk menjalinkan hubungan yg serius dgn dia?
i'm seriously have no idea, you tell me.but i do have options.and i still don't know which is which.mana 1 yg patut pakai utk tidak mengguriskan hati sesiapa. hard,isn't it?

my options
a. "eh, nak ngorat? ape kate kite kwn2 je ok"
b. "u don't know me yet.try to be friend2 first la"
c. "suka? suka ke gadis 250kg seperti i?"
d. "eh.i lesbian"

so, adakah semua di atas itu berjaya? TIDAK.

"nak sgt lemak? ok i bagi u lemak"

Friday, March 11, 2011

daddy cool

ok.rise and shine!

ok.nak cite sket ni.last 2 weeks aku drive balik dr office.stlh hampir setgh jam memandu, kire dh dekat nak sampai umah la ni, ade satu keta dr blkg,laju gile ok.mengalahkan tokyo drift.mcm nak langgar aku je dr blkg.akupun kelam kabut la kona ke tepi sket.bg laluan.dlm hati ni dh mcm2 dh ni mengutuk2 dan mengomel2.

"ish mamat mane la mencanak ni"
"kalo la dpt tgk muka"
"kalo aku dilanggar td, x ke naya"

sume kt atas tu kire ayat2 yg telah ditapis.

lepas je keta td tu potong aku,laju gile sampai kan x sempat nk tgk no.plat.nak je buat aduan.report psl samseng jalanan.aku try ekori.tp x dpt.sbb keta lain mmg tgh slow, yelakan kwsn perumahan la katakan.sume org bwk slow .keta tu je laju giler.pastu aku try kejar.x dpt.keta tu cilok sana sini.mmg baik punya cilok la.sampai kt traffic lite, keta tu kona.aku kt blkg,selang bbrp bijik keta.pastu keta tu park cantik je depan umah aku.pastu pemandu tu bukak pintu.keluarla seorg insan yg bernama kimin.lingkungan 50-an.muka die nampak penat,lemah2 sket (seolah2 bukan die yg drive laju gile td.kirenye buat muka x berslh la kan)..aku jgn ckpla.terkejut gile la kan.x sangka langsung rupenye ayah sendrik!

esoknye aku citer kt mak.
mak aku gelak besar.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


just another malay meat

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

lost in translation

 lish: so, bile nk update blog? dh bersawang aku tgk.
blogger: er..
lish: ?
blogger: byk nk ckp. byk nk type.
lish: so?
blogger: so, bile nk update?

* lish collapsed*

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

think wisely

i've been looking blankly at you.
i've got a lot of junks to write on you.
a lot of things going on right now.
and zillion of issues on my mind.
if i just blurt it out on you just like that, people will know.
and i don't really know if i'm ready for them to know.
maybe not yet.
wait, hold that thoughts.ok, aku mengaku. aku suka remy ishak.
p/s: mama gecko, suka x tgk dia lompat?

Friday, January 21, 2011

my thaipusam

its not that i'm celebrating it.
its what i do on that day that really counts.
actually, its what i did on that day that counted.

malam sblm thaipusam, mama gecko dh dtg menerpa utk menumpang mandi dan mekap2.sbb anak2 mama gecko conquer bilik mandi kt keramat tuh.hahaha.xtaulah nk kesian ke nk gelak? (sila klik http://thisisnotthefirsttime.blogspot.com/ ) sbb kalo tragedi ni menimpa sarah or other kind person, mestilah kesian kan.tp tragedi tsb menimpa mama gecko itself! (obviously inhuman) so mestilah kelakar kn? so,akupun gelak berkahak2 kt die.
been out and about with the gang. oleh krn si ary yg drive, asek sesat je. stlh 5jam br sampai tmpt mkn.lame sgt! sampai2 je dh kenyang mkn angin.mmg naik angin betul la.

dah sampai sane, jumpa naem.mmg comel.kene ngurat dgn mama gecko.naem blushing spnjg mase. (tah sape2 pun die nk ngurat)

esoknye, hari thaipusam. so,ive decided to make it hari keluarga. heh. been out with my mom and sister.
memanjakan diri dgn fruitland dan spa.mmg best tp geli2 sket time b2b.not to mention steamy2.heh.
burp! catch you later.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

to welcome my new bitch

hey pussies.
(mcmla xde jantina lain yg bace kan?)

its been a week and i'm getting weaker for not having the time to update my page. to sarah, happy blogging.jan nakal2 ye.
yesterday i received an email. job application from a dude. resume adelah dlm 56 sheets. memula rase mcm nk mrh sbb kene print byk sgt (nak bace jgn harapla kan) tp bile tgk main page ade gambar.
                                        ok. you are hired. : D   heh  (x perlu bace resume pun,ok)

this week ok la sbb dh xde keja mlm. been visiting warded peoples. kakb admitted to ampang puteri. and my neighbor beranak. so this week mmg berbau ubat la kan.
                           pesakit : yang memakai rantai dan kaftan.

 and today i've had my lunch. nasi ayam. sedap mmg sedap. tp x kenyang langsung. wanna know y?

                               suku pun x sampai kan? so cukup ke? mestila tak.

ok enough for now.x larat nk ckp byk2 (sdgkan taip) kite sakit tekak. haus.

  tp mslhnye xtau nk minum yg mane 1. mane lg byk eh?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

azam tahun baru?

alright. lets do this.

tell you the truth, i've never had any particular 'azam' in my life. because i don't fancy to have any expectation on something that's still not happening. call me for being so chickened out.or boring. but it feels better that way.
of course, and yeah i do have main objectives in my life, on what to do and what not to do, but that's not the case. its for lifetimes, not for this year or the next coming years. not for any particular year.

lets just go with the flow. if i want something, maybe i will work hard for it to get it myself. but doesn't mean that is included in my 2011's resolution. because i don't have any.

happy 2011, anyway. cheers.

p/s: cant wait to watch either the tourist or meet the fuckers tonight. yeah,no more night works.the job is done!  : )