Friday, May 28, 2010


hi again and again.this cat up here is the most beautiful and jinak manje2 cat i've ever seen and is persian.yeah,i'm not very friendly with cats obviusly,its not dat i hate them.its just dat i'm afraid kene gigit by them.dats all.but except for dis cat.she's so cute.and gemuk.i like gemuk things.and gemuk baby.but not gemuk bf la because cukupla i sorg,we could be the perfect 10.issint it? heheh

This yummylicious food up here is from o'brien.gosh!sedap gila tau x!i'm craving for it the minute i left the place.and it is cheap to compared to the bigger size of the bread.sampai x abes i mkn.unbelievable kan.

    here it goes;

out and about

hi again.i forgot to upload dis pic was taken last saturday if i'm not, i upload jela now.
di amcorp mall.jarang2 pegi situ sbnrnye.lish suddenly nk cr maid's costume utk play die next week.she's gonna play as mrs.hudson in sherlock holmes.hahaha.cannot imagine dat already.

there u go;


wesak day

Friday 28 May 2010 10am

hi all

to me,today is not wesak is sesak day.u know why?because now i'm in my @%^&*()# office.i'm so sesak nafas and sesak hati skg ni.why in the world am i here? because of this,i cant join my family's holidaying in Kuching.they left me here.i still remember the last few days my mom checked on me to reconfirm either i'm going or not ;

mom: jum la Ti.ikut pi sawak.(yes,u read me is petty name at home)
me:keje la mak wesak ni.lgpun duit talak.
mom:ala,ayah blanjer.bukan kuar duit pun.wesak tu mintak la cuti.
me:xleh.byk submission nk kene buat.huhu
mom:ok then,mak suh akak call KLIA.kanselkan nama Ti.
me: (dalam hati:alaaa...dh booked ke..alaa...nak pegi..nk pegi...)

so,dats the story of the pitiful child like me.
so,patut kan i geram.bengang.benci dan menyampah kenapa i kene keja time public hol.its not like i'm being paid double or tripple.i'm being paid like normal days.yes! u read me rite again! damn my boss.
but its been 3 years i'm stucked in here.heh..and never apply to other places anymore since then.because i'm comfortable here.its not like i'm goyang2 kaki or whatsoever.i'm damn bz.a lot of tasks.projects.submissions.meetings.clients yg x pernah ensem.i'm just ok with it.blend with yeah,its been 3 freaking years without cuti yg sepatutnye.sbb cuti i sikit je kt got certain public hol yg being ignored by my boss.but for now,its ok la.bukan x biase kan.huhu.
tp bile mengenangkan kemeriahan dan kegirangan my family trip to my uncle's at kuching,mestila sedihkan.
even mr.H pun balik kpg.ade kenduri arwah.he insisted to teman me at kl.worrying about me being here alone.and also worrying i'm in kl without him here spying on me.gosh! i'm a grown up already,ok.i can take care of myself.(yeay,my bf is out of town!)

nasib baik ade my besties kt kl yg x balik,they gonna sleepover at my place dis saturday.yeay.slumber party jom!(at least terubat la skit ke'frust'an x dpt join my family kan)

oklah.better start doing my work lah memandangkan today i'm freaking working.damn my boss again.
sorry cant help it.if u dun like what u r reading,then stop.its just me.bear with me.

for today;


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

mau pengsan ini maciam

damn bz like shit.shitty shit.real shit.serious shit.ecah's smelly shit.update u guys later.

wow! esok dh kamis.

here u go;


Sunday, May 23, 2010

read me right

hello everyone!

hari ni byk sgt nk kene buat.last nite tgk midnite at e@curve (previously cineleisure).we watched bounty hunter.crazily hilarious :) gerard butler's sooo flexible.bole bwk mcm2 character.u guys agree with me?no? lame jugak 2 hours cite tu.started at 1130pm and abes kul 130am.the last 15minutes,the guy next to me dh dozed off.hampeh je kan.well,cannot really blame him la,i myself ngantuk i jenis x tido during tgk movie,x kisahla boring mcm mane pun cite tu.then kepala dat guy terlentuk2 sorg2,i biar je and focused on my movie.bile dh abes and balik ke parking,he asked me anxiously "kenape u x sambut kepala i time lentuk2 td? i x nyenyak pun tido.saje nk tgk reaction u" dgn muka yg mcm kecik hati ckit.hahaha..tergelak trus i.pretended to be sleeping rupenye.mcm2 pelik la die la..

then balik ajak lish teman tido kt umah i coz takutla tido one's at home.(takanla nk ajak mr.H pulak kan.behave!behave!) at 5am baru tido.then esoknye which is ahad la kan,bgn at 9am.punyelah x cukup tido a lot of things to do! can i sambung later? later ok.

sorry sarah called me.ajak makan.
stay tuned;


Saturday, May 22, 2010

punchdrunk lovesick

hey there !

Today i'm having such a 'my day'.if u get what i
hehe..woke up very early at 630am (awal la kan?on saturday,ok.) got to go to sarah's (like i mentioned yesterday) then sume dh setel,and maybe gonna bring a great news to me later on 'which i'm still not sure yet'.i know dat some of u still wondering what am i talking about.let u guys know later,ok.*wink wink* then went back to sarah's and change my outfit..from formal to informal and maybe a lil bit kinky (sorry yg part kinky tu saje nk bagi sensational ckit,sdgkan x langsung,ok) have to hurry coz ade other appointment pulak (appointment la sangat kan?) *mesti sarah tgh buat muka ni*. (and to lish,i'm so sorry cant make it coz nk rushing balik rumah to email something to my bossy boss.lagipun u guys mesti dh boleh enjoy gila without me kan.dah ada 3 mics anyway.damn.terkilan tetibe xdpt join diorg kalaoki)
he texted me already (again) not wanting to miss any other seconds of not seeing me.well,baik setelkan dulu hal kerja so nnti senang hati nak keluar kan.owh,'he' tu i'm referring to mr.H.tahpape tah trend skg kan asek nk shortform2 je dgn rase dianiaya oleh keadaan trend skg..i pun terpengaruh la kan.H is not his name.H is for something more meaningful.its not dat his name tu x meaningful.of coz la meaningful.its juz too familiar with my ex-ketua jabatan kt utm a lil bit turned off and feels like i'm dating my own ketua jabatan yg semestinye dah seasoned and suka panggil nama student dengan panggilan yg totally berlainan.cth nye nama my fren ni IMRAN kan.then my KJ will panggil him LATIP! (gosh.lain sgt kan?)pastu kalau time asessment slalu escape kan diri.mane tah menghilang.pastu slalu buat muka x bersalah lgsung.pastu kalo time presentation,dia tido.then bila dh abes present,die terbangun and buat2 muka siyes trus tanye soalan like "so,u proposed 5nos lampu la ek?" sdgkan x propose lgsung pun lampu.*pengsan* haha very funny bile tringat mcm2 aksi si KJ kesayangan lihs dan sarah tu.

alamak! time is running out dah call.gotta go and take a bath.gonna go for midnite (jarang dpt tgk midnite sama2 tau coz normally i ade curfew.almaklum,stay dgn family.but today my parents balik kpg,so ape slhnye once a while jd liar skjp kan?alah tgk midnite pun liar ke?come on la..

wont forget dis one;

Friday, May 21, 2010

chaotic friday

hey yo

today was sooo damn tired.byk sgt keje kt opis.yela,nama pun keje kan.terkejar sana sini.mmg chaotic la (exaggerate je lebih kan? eh betul ke spelling tuh?x kisahla,nama pun 'a gurl with the typo kan'.heh,dats y i chose dat sentence :)) now i'm in my room and being so laidback duk kt umah time friday nite.can u believe dulu mmg jgn harap la nk melekat kt umah..maybe skg ni dh makin ter'oxidant' kot.(word tu biar sedap sket.x boleh direct2 coz x berapa sedap nk didengar.heh)
i'm actually tgh simpan energy for 2moro.have to wake up early to go to sarah' things to attend to.something really2 kene korbankan my beauty sleep for the sake of my better future.well,not saying dat i dun have a great life so far.its just the feeling 'to get out of the comfort zone' and try an error.see what i mean?no? cheh..

well,frankly speaking..byk sgt i wanna jot down byk kali jugak bila i dh type,then i backspace balik..maybe i'm still rase awkward u write anything i want to write.i know dats not healthy to feel dat way coz,this is my page,lgpun like the whole world gonna read this?of course not la kan..hehe.yelah,doing something like this is still new to me.i love reading blogs but never tot dat i'm gonna feels so right doing xtaula sampai bila leh bertahan.coz i sama je mcm esah kamali tuh.hangat2 taik at least dia dh maju la sket..hehe

i'm gonna sambung later.for now,i leave u guys with dis


Thursday, May 20, 2010

hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!

hello there.halo di sana.gosh!

i cant believe what am i doin rite now..still in disbelief.
i'm pinching my cheek now.well..byknye pipi..xtaula mane satu i nak pinch.
maybe patutnye punch je kot.gosh.what am i sayin?
dats normally happen to sum1 yg baru nk into me..heheh to start eh? (bukan ke i dh start dr td)

i think i need to take a breath for a while.
see u soon tomolo (whts with the spelling?well,my chinese clients always 'sms'ing me with that cute!)

add on: my besties juz found out about my blog and asked me 'a gurl with that hyppo?' (gosh! how did she know dat was supposed to cross my mind at d first place..)
here,got something for u guys;