Monday, June 21, 2010

bunga bunga chenta

hi guys.

jiwang x tajuk entri kali ini? heh.sekali sekala menjiwang,ape salahnye kan.weekend mmg best.for me la.i went out with mr.H.and something's really fascinating captured my heart.tanpa melengahkan masa,snap la pic kan.

cantik kan bunga bunga chenta ni?yela pakai hp murah je snap,so kualiti gambar tu kurang memberangsangkan.

hmm.hmm.nampaknye mr.H lebih menjiwang.thanks for telling the whole world about it.heh (to those yg nk termuntah,tahan dulu.tu la,warning jiwang dh ditulis di tajuk entri.sape suh take the risk,kan?)

went out with others pulak.had fun,though.our dinner on sunday.

ice lemon tea,of course. by madam lim's

fried mee hoon by madam lim's

siam style fried rice by madam lim's

so,that's all is monday.x best,xde mood sgt nk merepek2 lagi kt sini.well,not yet.(habis tu,yg kt atas tu ape ek?)
                        "LOVE IS ALL AROUND"


  1. err..tolong tanya kat mrH kat mane dia beli t shirt tu??aku nak try carik i love cock..rase2 ade tak?

  2. haha.bodo kan?ko patut pakai 'i love pussy' ko kan pengkid.

  3. eh silap tuh...aku patut cari 'i love hairy pussy'
