Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Opaque on a canvas

Hey you in the white shirt.

I don’t know what’s with the white shirt. But I tend to adore looking at someone who’s wearing a white shirt.

Especially mr.H.he looks so delicious in it. But, will be better without it.eh? ZOMG! puasa la weh.ape ni lish.truk ar...

Today, by hook or by crook I don’t care, I WANT TO BLOG. I’m blissfully happy today because last night I went to giant hypermarket near my house. I entered the bookstore inside..and guess what I have found?

A novel by Sidney Sheldon ‘tell me your dreams’.you know what,I have been looking for it like forrrr~evvverrrrr! (With the intonation,please) fyi,its an old novel.since 1996.my first time reading it, was during my high school years back then.time tu form two if I’m not mistaken la.i couldn’t remember where the book’s source coming from during that time, but what I know,I have been looking and searching for it for years,but still couldn’t find it. Because its an old edition,that’s why susah sgt nk dapat.sidney Sheldon mmg la byk tp cite lain la.can you imagine what it feels like to finally found something that you have been looking for since forever? Yeah! I’m HAPPY WITH SATISFACTION. Dan harganye pun kire mahal gak la sbb harga kt bookstore kt giant tu mmg tah pape sket.x logic x logic sket.memula,pk gak,nak beli nnti tggu gaji or nk beli skg..tp dh x sbr sgt nk menelaah kembali..terus jela grab the book and throw it on the counter.heh.

Once I finished reading it, I’m gonna force the other girls to read it. They have to. its an order. The storyline? crazily disturbed.mmg terkesan sgt. Tp x memeningkan pn,so for the bimbos,x perlu penat2 pk la k.take my word.
this is my baby

That’s about that. I also stumbled upon a set of canvas with the acrylic for painting. So this is my 2nd stupid attempt to do painting on canvas. (My first attempt time 1st year kt utm dulu la) memandangkan acrylic die byk yg terlebih2, I decided to do it ‘opaque’ly. Maksudnye mmg thick gila and pekat la kaler yang di paint ke atas kanvas tu.coz acrylic ni cepat membeku dan kering.so kalo ade lebih sket2 tu baik abeskan trus.nanti rugi je,kalo beku bukan boleh pakai dah.so,walaupun hasilnya sgt buruk dan x memberangsangkan,I still want to display them all.because why? This is my blog.heh.

a yellow beetle
unidentified insect

love me.hate me.tell me what do you see.can you see it? no?


Monday, August 23, 2010

please,dont let me be hungry

Hi all.

Seems that I only have a little of time to gush about my life. Its not that I’m dying or something (well, I will be dead after all). It’s because I have changed my workplace. It’s nearly a month now. So far, I’m okay with this new environment. But i’m still not comfortable to go online and updating my blog like I used to. Almost 4 years at my previous company, so why don’t I start a new leaf by transferring myself to a different company, right? No?

And before it’s too late, I would like to wish HAPPY FASTING TO ALL THE MUSLIMS. (lambatkan br nk wish?tp ok la kan drpd dh raye br nk wish)

Right now, I’m just finished my work which was supposed to be done by today.so that’s why lah still got times to blog.during this fasting month, my working hour is 9am-5pm.without break la unless nak solat.

Ok, lets talk about what i’m dying to do this coming Wednesday.i canttttttt waittttttt to watch vampire sucks! Yeah you heard me right. The movie will be coming soon on Wednesday. So I keep on counting the days now. Because I’ve just watched the trailer. It was totally funny and can’t wait to have a real good laugh on this coming Wednesday (puas gelak sorg2 td depan pc). Already asked sarah to join me.she said yes.but I don’t know if lish’s gonna join us because timing cite tu kul 730.memandangkan both sarah and I are being forbid from fasting, so x kisah la dgn timing tu.(so lish,what do you say?melainkan ko sanggup kuar sekejap gi surau)

Cite vampire sucks tu perli cite twilight.ala2 mcm scary movie la. Yang paling kelakar x tahan tu ialah part (to those yg mengikuti twilight mesti paham punyela storyline ni) yang Jacob tgh lompat nk bertukar jd werewolf time nk selamatkan bella tu.dlm cite vampire sucks ni, Jacob menjelma jadi puppy.kecik gila puppy tu.pastu watak bella yang dh ditukar watak becca tu buat muka pelik.skali dgn yg vampire2 jahat tu pun sume pelik tgk kt puppy tu.haha bodo kan.

And then ade satu scene yg Edward jalan dgn machonye dlm canteen skolah dorg.becca pun tgk la dgn muka yg merenyam gila. Pastu trus turn off bila tgk Edward tgh duk sibuk tempek compact powder kt muka bg nmpak putih + pucat.

Mmg x tahan la.itu br trailer.mmg x sbr nk tgk yg full punye.

Ok,enough about that.now I’m going to upload all the food’s pics yg sememangnye menjadi rutin dlm blog ni.


Erk,mr.H? he’s fine.and we are still madly in love.he’s gonna be back for raya.not for good.only for a while.permohonan utk transfer tu not yet being approved.*sad case*


Friday, August 13, 2010

a tangible heart

Hey everyone!

Been quite sometimes...

I didn’t manage to blog about everything that happened recently. Actually, I am planning to blog about something else.not about my life. well maybe, ive been there. and done that.but for now,I’m writing these for a friend.

But, before we proceed I would like to let you know that I am happy with my current job so far, and still glowing with mr.H.hm.hm.we just celebrated his birthday last week..well through 3g (of course, because he’s currently away). Been talking about the ‘big thing’ recently. Seriously, I am nervous. who didn’t? He’s in the process of application to transfer to KL. Hope everything will go well accordingly to what we've planned.
Alamak! I’ve been carried away again,ok ok.lets get back to business.

I’m going to talk about something that globally happens to us girls especially. Between a boy and a girl. First thing first, who am I to talk about something like this?
I’m not even married yet. Just being in a serious relationship doesn’t mean that I’m good enough to say something like this. Not even an Oprah! But still, that won’t stop me from doing this.because this is my blog, and i'm free to jot down about what I feel like saying.and right now I would like to jot down some opinions of mine.


GIRL: hi u. where have u been? been looking for ya.
BOY: uhuh..i’m not well.my mind’s not well.so, I off my hp.
GIRL: oh ok. *sad*

My solution:
For couples: as a girlfriend, you should feel over-sensitively hurt, because no matter how big the problem is, he should not off his hp on you .sharing is caring, right? He should share his problem with you, no matter how ugly it is .So, when things like this happen, you should check him out. Make sure that there are no other 3rd person involves .If there is, you just spank her ass and your boyfriend’s genital (make sure you will leave the scar, so that he will remember), and walk away.

For ‘teman tapi mesra’: First of all, you have to know and understand where this relationship is leading you. Because obviously, you already know what he wants. of course,he also know what u exactly want, and he choose not to care about it. If he already make things clear to you,it is your job to take the responsibility to yourself.if he said ‘I just want to have fun with you’. Then,it is you that will decides.if u want to play with him too,then go on.but if you want something more that involves heart,you have to walk away.because you yourself already know that this guy won’t lead you to a serious relationship.go and delete all his contact number and facebook account,so that you wont have to see any updates about him. (tapi kalau tetibe dia termasuk dlm STAR takanla terus nk avoid bace STAR kan?huhu..then tukarla bace IMPIANA ke,LAMAN ke..)

Ok,serious2..i know its the hardest thing to do,to suddenly avoiding him after all these years you have been ’teman tapi mesra’ with him.but,what to do? Daripada asyik sakit hati je memendam rase,baik blah je kan. Because,he has the right to do what he wants and what he feels like,because korang xde ape2 perjanjian or ikatan declare ke ape,so itu yg sakit hati bile kena tanggung mcm ni kan. That’s the price you have to pay for being in this kind of relationship.trust me,ive been there.and done that.and that’s what I did.deleted him.and last2 die yg akan dtg cari kite balik. On different case,if you still want to ‘teman tapi mesra’ with him,thats ok jugak.up to you.but there’s a tips for you.Make sure u have a tangible heart, so nanti bila ade isu2 yang menyakitkan hati,boleh telan mcm tu je.because its your choice.and this time,you totally cant blame him for it.he gave you a choice,to stay or walk away.then you took one of it.STAY.

SCENE 2 (after you guys split up, and he came looking for you)

BOY: hallo beautiful. Mind to join me for dinner?
GIRL: oh. Wow…sounds great. *too excited till cant breath*

For ex-couples: don’t be stupid. After what he did, please don’t easily give him another chance. You are allowed to give him a try though, but don’t make it look too easy. .you have to make he feel the pain like u did before. thats what I called ‘payback time’. Jahat ke? Ala,die lg jahat treated you like this. Trust me, he did once. And he might be doing it twice
* nampak keras hati kan? Thats because die pernah tipu and cheated on you while you guys are in a serious relationship.so he deserves it.

For ex-‘teman tapi mesra’: and for this one, you should take it easy.you can be his friend (if you are still interested la), then try to understand him more.if you find out that he’s already changed, then go for it. try an error! But if he don’t,then the rest you know what to do.
*yang ni nampak mcm lembut hati sikit kan?thats because its not totally his fault,what.bukannye die cheated pun sbb dulu kan xde pape declaration pun kan.lagipun die dah berubah.

So,feel free to object or agree with me.