Thursday, March 17, 2011

thanks to paradox


i have just read one of my other bitches's entry titled sometimes beautiful things happen.
and i have to admit i'm entertained. haha, first and foremost, because i watched them too.gosh, mmg menghiburkan sgt tgk desperate housewife. yela, selasa mlm rabu kan.weekdays mcm ni mmg la kite amat2 perlukan hiburan slps rase stressed out dgn kerja during the day.lagi2 awal minggu. time tgk cite tu aritu, mmg rase nak je kongsikan kelawakkan cite tu dgn somebody. tp taktau nk share dgn sape sbb time tgk tu kt bilik kt bwh sah2 lah layan astro.nak text lish, suh tgk scene yg best tu, mesti la by the time die nk berjalan ke arah tv, dh abes pun citer tu (sbb masa yg diambil oleh beliau utk mengorak langkah ibarat sehari). so terpakse la enjoy sorg2, gelak sorg2,pastu simpan dlm hati sorg2. paling x tahan yg time Bree jln mengangkang sbb she just had too many times sex with her toyboy in one night.hahah! sooo lishy.
desperate housewife is a must watch!

p/s: so intan, did u just cum that night? haha

1 comment:

  1. barbiturat!

    aku jalan mengangkang? bila masa? lagipun aku takde toyboy.
