Saturday, May 22, 2010

punchdrunk lovesick

hey there !

Today i'm having such a 'my day'.if u get what i
hehe..woke up very early at 630am (awal la kan?on saturday,ok.) got to go to sarah's (like i mentioned yesterday) then sume dh setel,and maybe gonna bring a great news to me later on 'which i'm still not sure yet'.i know dat some of u still wondering what am i talking about.let u guys know later,ok.*wink wink* then went back to sarah's and change my outfit..from formal to informal and maybe a lil bit kinky (sorry yg part kinky tu saje nk bagi sensational ckit,sdgkan x langsung,ok) have to hurry coz ade other appointment pulak (appointment la sangat kan?) *mesti sarah tgh buat muka ni*. (and to lish,i'm so sorry cant make it coz nk rushing balik rumah to email something to my bossy boss.lagipun u guys mesti dh boleh enjoy gila without me kan.dah ada 3 mics anyway.damn.terkilan tetibe xdpt join diorg kalaoki)
he texted me already (again) not wanting to miss any other seconds of not seeing me.well,baik setelkan dulu hal kerja so nnti senang hati nak keluar kan.owh,'he' tu i'm referring to mr.H.tahpape tah trend skg kan asek nk shortform2 je dgn rase dianiaya oleh keadaan trend skg..i pun terpengaruh la kan.H is not his name.H is for something more meaningful.its not dat his name tu x meaningful.of coz la meaningful.its juz too familiar with my ex-ketua jabatan kt utm a lil bit turned off and feels like i'm dating my own ketua jabatan yg semestinye dah seasoned and suka panggil nama student dengan panggilan yg totally berlainan.cth nye nama my fren ni IMRAN kan.then my KJ will panggil him LATIP! (gosh.lain sgt kan?)pastu kalau time asessment slalu escape kan diri.mane tah menghilang.pastu slalu buat muka x bersalah lgsung.pastu kalo time presentation,dia tido.then bila dh abes present,die terbangun and buat2 muka siyes trus tanye soalan like "so,u proposed 5nos lampu la ek?" sdgkan x propose lgsung pun lampu.*pengsan* haha very funny bile tringat mcm2 aksi si KJ kesayangan lihs dan sarah tu.

alamak! time is running out dah call.gotta go and take a bath.gonna go for midnite (jarang dpt tgk midnite sama2 tau coz normally i ade curfew.almaklum,stay dgn family.but today my parents balik kpg,so ape slhnye once a while jd liar skjp kan?alah tgk midnite pun liar ke?come on la..

wont forget dis one;

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