Friday, May 21, 2010

chaotic friday

hey yo

today was sooo damn tired.byk sgt keje kt opis.yela,nama pun keje kan.terkejar sana sini.mmg chaotic la (exaggerate je lebih kan? eh betul ke spelling tuh?x kisahla,nama pun 'a gurl with the typo kan'.heh,dats y i chose dat sentence :)) now i'm in my room and being so laidback duk kt umah time friday nite.can u believe dulu mmg jgn harap la nk melekat kt umah..maybe skg ni dh makin ter'oxidant' kot.(word tu biar sedap sket.x boleh direct2 coz x berapa sedap nk didengar.heh)
i'm actually tgh simpan energy for 2moro.have to wake up early to go to sarah' things to attend to.something really2 kene korbankan my beauty sleep for the sake of my better future.well,not saying dat i dun have a great life so far.its just the feeling 'to get out of the comfort zone' and try an error.see what i mean?no? cheh..

well,frankly speaking..byk sgt i wanna jot down byk kali jugak bila i dh type,then i backspace balik..maybe i'm still rase awkward u write anything i want to write.i know dats not healthy to feel dat way coz,this is my page,lgpun like the whole world gonna read this?of course not la kan..hehe.yelah,doing something like this is still new to me.i love reading blogs but never tot dat i'm gonna feels so right doing xtaula sampai bila leh bertahan.coz i sama je mcm esah kamali tuh.hangat2 taik at least dia dh maju la sket..hehe

i'm gonna sambung later.for now,i leave u guys with dis


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