Tuesday, November 9, 2010

pity her or pity me?

kdg2 kesian dgn a girl yg terpakse byr seorg lg org utk teman diorang mkn, hang out, shopping etc.
the same goes to paris hilton. she even had to create the reality show titled ' paris's BFF' (if i'm not mistaken la) to look for someone yg die boleh percaye, and to be friend with.yeah,its true that this kind of person really exists, bukan saje amongst the celebrities, but also di antara org2 biase mcm kite.tp slalunye yg loaded la.kena la ade duit kan nk byrkan org yg jd her company for the day.
selalunya org mcm ni, they have many friends. but, they don't really have true friend.mmg ssh nk cr kwn yg jujur,ikhlas, dan amanah saham berhad.
even me,myself  xtaulah sejauh mane kesetiaan lish and sarah tu.lagi2 lish tu makhluk yg bisa berubah2 disebabkan ia sejenis rubah yg mempunyai split personality.heh.jgn mare eh.kite guwau2 je kt sini.
i have to admit here i don't really have so many friends.because i chose not to.bukan memilih kwn.ataupun memilih saiz mahupun lelemak.sebab kalau terlampau ramai nanti kite tak boleh nk fokus. sebab skg ni fokus kt yg betul2 we feel comfortable to hang out with.lgpun lish pun dh mewakili 56 org.ade jugak kwn tu ajak lepak.kwn ni ajak lepak.tp disebabkan mase terhad, terpakse turned down the offer. but,trust me,i've been trying my very best to spare the time for you guys, sooner or later, melepak le kite same2 nnti eh.sorry sgt2 tau.
last time, i received this text from one of my friends:
"wey ****! bile nk lepak same? itupun if ko still alive"

1 comment:

  1. dah tentu la aku setia.i'm your shadow remember?
