Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3g with love

hello guys.
its been a while,huh?
nothing unusual to update about my life.its been 3 days that he's gone.and its been two nights we 3g's each other.he insisted to do it every night to me.(alamak,mcm mane ni kalo nk bersosial dgn rakan muda?(get2))
i didn't sent him off at klia.i chose not to.and he understands.plus,i couldn't stand, the idea of seeing him leaving.and gone.so,besides do all the grieving and 'tearing up my heart' kind of things,i went out with the girls (exactly at the same time when he flew off).
went out with ati at oldtown.

ati tgh mencurik data dari laptopku.

lime juice and tuna sandwich by oldtown.

then,we off to wangsawalk mall to have dinner with lish.while waiting for lish,we went  to BBQ chicken.setelah memilih tempat utk menapak,kami pun settled down kt tempat yg agak selesa dan empuk.the waiter came.handed us the menus.besar bagak la menu tu kan.ati segera menoleh.

ati: isshh..x byk choice la menu die.(muke berkerut gila. kalau psl mknan,emo)
me: (tgh taip msg kt hp)..mane? (segera meletakkan dua hp di atas meja lalu terus mencapai menu tsb)
ati: ni ha.xde sup.aku nk sup.(mulut muncung gila)
me: kalo nk sup,gi la kedai tomyam.ni ajak mkn western.
ati: ala,mcm x best la weh.(sudah menunjukkan muka zila bakarin nya)
me: ish ati,ko jgn ckp yg kite kene bgn tukar kedai.aku malu ar.sbb aku slalu sgt buat.tp kali ni lokasi kite x sesuai.kite terperosok kt tgh2.nak kuar dgn pantas,nanti amik masa.kalo kecik,senangla nk cepat2 bolos kan. 
ati: takpe weh,dorang x nmpak punye.jom2.(sambil bingkas mengangkat punggung labuhnya)

dengan pantas sekali kami bgn tanpa menoleh ke belakang.laju gila memboloskan diri.mmg rase senak perut tahan gelak.pastu rasa nervous gila mcm kena kejar dgn penjahat.fuh..lega.akhirnya berjaya.sambil tercungap2,

me: ati,ko pasan x time kite bgn td ade suara2 waiter2 tu td?
ati: entah x pasan pun.(mmg la dasar ignorant gila minah ni)

tetibe muka ati cuak.sambil tgnnye ligat meneroka isi kandungan handbag carlo rino nya.
ati: alamak,takan aku tinggal hp aku kt tmpt td weh!tlg call hp aku kejap.
me: ati,ko jgn ti.aku tanak gi tmpat tu lg.(cuak jugak.sbb br je td bersumpah tanak g tmpt tu lg)
ati: hp aku xde ni.tlg call tgk,manatau terselit kt celah mane dlm beg ni.
me: (tanpa membuang masa,terus mencapai hp dlm handbag nine west ku.aneh.kedua2 hp tsb turut tiada)
utk bbrp ketika,kami saling memandang antara satu sama lain.kemudian,gelak pecah perut.pastu cemas.alamak,sape nak masuk balik ni.stlh meeting,dgn muka seposen,we went inside the BBQ chicken.again.kali ini kami bukan cuba melarikan diri mcm td.tp,kami menyerah diri.huhu.malunya.sume waiters dah tergelak sakan.yg sorg akak ni siap sound,

akak tukang sound: hai..kami ingatkan td tinggal 3 hp sbb nak balik ke sini.

(brengset ar akak tukang sound ni.thanks to akak yg simpankan hp2 kami.nasib baik la x ilang.agak fobia dgn kes kehilangan hp ni.maklumlah.professional at losing it.especially lish.heh) setelah penat menahan malu,we headed to secret recipe.dah lama gak x pekena macaroni prawn cheese.lish pun dtg.then ada isu lg.kali ni lish yg timbulkan.mmg kelakar gila.tegelak sampai kuar air mata.sakit perut.but can't tell about it here.for more info,pls call 017-2953735.

stlh dia buat hal tertinggal hp td,dgn geram sekali dia menikmati hidangannya.

fresh milk and yoghurt smoothies by SR.

strawberry marshmallow cheesecake by SR.

chocolate cheesecake by SR.
howt chocolate by SR.
chicken grilled with blackpepper sauce by SR.
macaroni prawn cheese by SR.

then we off to superstar.stumbled upon mr.get2 yg comel lote dgn matanya yg spt garisan horizontal.best gila karaoke mlm tu.mmg konsert abes la.x tahan dgn gegaran lelemak dr pelbagai macam saiz.balik je,mlm tu before tido.mr.H 3g me.dia dpt detect my voice yg jd serak2 akibat melalak.alamak,xtau nk ckp ape dah.

harga: RM11.55
harga: RM7.90

till we meet again,yo!

he once said,


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